The Venue

This is were we'll be on the night...

Tsangs' Kitchen
147 Iffley Road
OX 4 1EJ
7-10pm on the 2nd of June 2009

See you there.
the ArtWashers

S1. Chopping- spring onion and carrots

The Pledge...
to talk to a stranger.

about the Chef:
Paul Medley is an Oxford-Based Photographer and graphic designer.

S2. knots- on steamed house special

The Pledge:
To ask the person sat next to you-
'which knot do you prefer?'

About the Chef:
Sharon Lovatt is a visual artist based in Dudley but also connected to TAP.
Tap stands for Touring Art Project.
Sharon and Juliet May have both entered work for the Menu.

S3. quilted blanket on Noodles

The Pledge...
give a blanket to charity.
About The Chef:
Wendy Markham is a textile artist based in Oxford.
Wendy also offers felting workshops in Littlemore.

S4. beauty in the city- and nuts

The send an image of the 'stuck' magnet to to be added to the blog.

About the Chef...
Anna Francis is based in Wolverhampton

S5. Flying Cells on a bed of air- a mobile

The Pledge...
to read 'The Origin of Species'

About the chef:
Lizz Tuckerman is a Sheffield-based Artist and Scientist .

S6. sweet seaweed- by Kirsty

The Pledge...
when you buy yourself an ice cream this summer.
buy one for the person behind you in the queue .

about the Chef
Kirsty is an artist based in Kent.

S7. Reflection of St Helens- on mixed vegetables

The Pledge...
donation to charity of your choice.

About the chef...
Harmonie Carline is a London-based Artist....

M1. Red- on noodles

The Pledge...
to visit a gallery you haven't yet been to within a month,
and to send an e-mail to to add to the blog.

About the Chef....
Patt Jeffs is an Oxfordshire-based artist.

M2. Special Fried Rice

The Pledge...
To return something of perceived beauty to Lorson within a month.
This ties in with Lorson's current work of finding 'Beauty in the Discarded"
More information given at the Take-Out or via

About the chef:
Lorson Camps is based in Coventry....
Contact via-

M3. Gnome on bed of Chinese shredded menus.

The pledge...
to learn 10 Chinese words.

About the Chef...
Laura Cartledge is a Liverpool-based artist
and will be with us on the 2nd June.

M4. Chopped beetroot soup

This was Katy's entry for the Art Take-out that took place in the Chinese Take-away.
The Pledge...
To talk to someone over the age of 80.

About the Chef...

Katie Beinart is an oxford based artist.

M5. Paper Planes- on Fried Rice

The Pledge....
1.Choose one aircraft from the three on offer
2.This plane has crashed- and is now part of the terrain the plane is made out of.
3.Postulate a fictional crash site from this map.
4. Locate this place on Google Earth.
5. Make contact with for the Google Earth image to be up-loaded to the ArtWash blog.
With a creative synopsis about the plane, it's crew and the final mission.
With a photo of the wrecked plane- if possible.

About the Chef...
Peter Finnimore is an Oxford-based designer .

M6. Stuffed Crispy gutter bird- on rice

The Pledge...
to put out bird food in the shape of a heart and to take a photo of bird feeding.
E-mailing this image to to upload to the blog

About the Chef...
Helen Grundy is a Birmingham-Based Artist.

M7. A Fishy Dinner

The Pledge...
to return a self portrait in any medium.

About the work...
a diorama/memory box within the tin-foil container, exploring 'the English national dish', using a mixture of collage/decoupage and real objects (non-perishable) foods.

About the Chefs...

We have collaborated since 1996, creating kitsch, photographic self-portraits with black, English humour at their heart. Our practice focuses on recording a staged, surreal, private performance. We have exhibited at the National Portrait Gallery and the Photographers Gallery, and last year had our first solo show at Beverley Knowles Fine Art in Notting Hill. We are based in London and Bournemouth. Over the last couple of years, women’s relationship to food has been a strong theme in our work:

M8. Chefs Mystery Special- on rice

The Pledge...
Not to open the box

About The Chef:
Laurence Payot
is Liverpool artistic director of the 'Royal Standard gallery'

D1. Balls on bed of noodles- by Alison Berman

The Pledge ...
a party game with a smile.
Two teams with one of the pictured balls each are to form a line and pass the ball
over head and through legs.
The team to reach the end first wins the ball .
The person wanting the work has to organise the same sized teams- ArtWash are here to help;-) and gets to keep the footballer bracelet and the 2nd ball.

About the Chef:
Alison Berman is an Oxford Based sculptor

D2. Now you see me... on the cob

The Pledge...
to say YES more often.
About the Artist....
Roger Perkins is an Oxfordshire-based artist.

D3. Two Boys Joined for America- on Corn

The Pledge...
to smile and wish someone 'Have a nice day!'

About the Chef:
Juliet May is based in Client, Worcestershire and is part of TAP.
TAP stands for 'Touring Art Project'.....
Shanon-Lovatt (also on the menu) is also connected to TAP.

The 'join' project is about joining and making connections-
it's about artists creating a body of work on a common theme
that is shared with each other and with our audience.
It explores the tension and fragility in the process of joining;
whether it is an actual physical, visual, written or verbal connection that is made.

D4. Zebedee receives the gifts of Kannon- on salad

The Pledge:
Photo of person using this tea towel washing-up.

About the Chef:
Jim Noble is an Oxford-based print maker and web-designer....

D5. Small bowl and curly spoon- with sweet Chilli sauce

Pledge: to send image of Objects in use to
Image will be blogged at

About the Chef: Malindi O'Rorke
Ceramicist based in London. Contact can be made through

D6. Passion Love- in syrip

The Pledge....
To talk to a stranger

About the Chef...
Paul Medley is an Oxford Based Photographer and graphic designer.

Pledge- The Info.

Before we get cracking with the wild and wonderful menu,
here's some more information on how customers can acquire work from the menu...

No money will change hands!
Pledges given by each artist will be the 'currency' for the evening.

Each artist gave us a pledge, that they would like you- as the customer,
to fulfil before you can call the work your own.

Now- the pledges vary greatly.
Some are like party games we know, others are a simple question to be asked or action to be made.
And then there are the kind of pledge that need a little time.

All the Artist who have entered work have been very generous.
To be fair ArtWash will function as a point of call between the artist and the customer.

For the pledges that need a little longer to fulfill, the Customer will receive the pledge in a take-out box on the night.

Once this pledge has been fulfilled- ideally with some documentation that ArtWash can put on the blog-
ArtWash will then arrange with the customer to 'handover' the actual artwork.

It all sounds more complicated than it actually will be- Promise!
And it will all make sense on the night!

2nd June '09 at 7-10pm
Tsangs' Kitchen
Iffley Road
East Oxford

Don't forget!

Looking forward to it already.
The ArtWashers.

The architectural beauty of the Take-Out

Chinese Take-Out's are quite distinct spaces.
They are often very similar in their lay-out.
This being 2/3 public area and 1/3 against the back wall- defined by the Take-Out Bar.
Food is usually prepared in a different space.